Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Water, the Mighty Molecule

Today, in between raindrops, the Young Naturalists learned about the properties of water in an activity called "Water Olympics". Campers traveled among seven stations to discover what water can do. 

In this station, campers guessed how many droplets of water could fit on a penny, then added drop after drop until it spilled over. 

At this station, campers squeezed a seltzer bottle full of water with a dropper inside. When they squeezed, the dropper went down. When they let go, the dropper went back up again. Why did it do that??

At the "Water Maze" station, campers put a droplet of water onto the start end of the maze, and moved their maze all around to get it to the finish line.

At the boat-building station, campers made "boats" out of tinfoil with the goal of holding as many pennies as possible before the boat sank. The record was 103 pennies!
Each camper had a clipboard to record their findings!

At the "Magic Toothpick" station, campers added water to this toothpick arrangement. When they added water, a new shape appeared - ask your camper what it was!

At "Fold and Float" campers recorded how many times you could fold a piece of tinfoil until it sank, when placed on top of a tray of water. 

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