Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bottle Rockets! Corn Snake! Beaver Pond!

The Explorers weren't afraid to get muddy yesterday at the farm irrigation pond.

Today's catch: green frogs!

Later, each camper got to make a bottle rocket and Bob helped set them off. Whoa!

It is always incredible to watch Maizie the corn snake eat her weekly mouse.

The Young Naturalists explored the beaver pond at the bike path.

And saw not one, but two great blue herons!


  1. It’s really an interesting blog.I have a corn snake and I need to know what matters more the length or height of the cage?

    corn snake

  2. Hi Aaliyah, We believe it is more important to have a longer cage than a shorter one. Our corn snake likes to stretch out, but rarely does she stretch upward. We can be reached at (413) 256-6006 for other questions of this nature. Thanks!
