Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ponding and Raspberry Picking

The air-conditioners were buzzing at the Hitchcock Center yesterday to offer campers and staff refuge from the searing 90-degree weather. Campers took lots of breaks to cool off with sips of water and rest. The Explorers were hard at work all afternoon painting their papier-mache animal creations, all of which are masterpieces dreamed up by the campers, complete with wacky adaptations that help the animals survive in their habitats. In the morning the Explorers journeyed to the irrigation pond at the farm next door to discover the pond critters that live there, shown above. In the other photo campers enjoy shady tire swing time in the woods.

The lucky Young Naturalists went berry picking yesterday as part of the theme: Where Does Our Food Come From? Campers got a chance to see a common meal ingredient growing in plant form: raspberries! It is the beginning of raspberry season and campers came back with delicious ripe fruit from Nourse Farms. Yum! While one group picked berries, the other went on a Dinner Plate Scavenger Hunt next door to scope out what common foods look like in their plant form.

Parents, don't forget: Family Share is at 2:30pm on Friday afternoon. Please come and see what your camper has been up to this session. Also, please fill out an evaluation so we can make camp even better next year.

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