Campers had an AWESOME day yesterday! The Explorers went on a field trip to Skinner
State Park, where they got a close look at some of the amazing geological
features of the Connecticut River Valley, plus a nice view of the river from
above. They had a picnic when they got to the top!
The Young Naturalists
became archaeologists for a day. They went to the archaeological dig site at
the farm next door, where quadrants were already roped off. They got into
groups and started digging... and found bones! Campers found jaws, skulls, leg
bones, ribs, and back bones... what could they be? (Answer below) It was a
great adventure!
bones came from sheep that lived on the farm years ago. When the sheep died,
they were put on a compost pile, and after their bodies decomposed their bones
were left behind. The counselors borrowed the bones from Farmer Hans and buried
them for the campers to find.
Later, Ted visited the classroom for a look at some
metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks that are found locally. We played
“Guess My Rule” in which Ted made two piles of rocks, and the campers had to
guess what the two groups were. Then the campers got a turn! Some of the ideas
they had were: shiny/not shiny, bumpy/smooth, gas bubbles/no gas bubbles.